Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Some of the questions I have...

Some of the questions that I really would like to answer in my blog are: which type of religions connect together, and if one does all?  How does all of the religions start?  Should everyone in the world agree on one religion?  What if all of the religions in the world are not correct, and we are wrong?  And, Why should all of the people in the world hate other religions just because they think that they are superior over them? 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Story Behind my Topic

Sometimes when we feel that we have forgotten our way, we tend to venture off our path and go in the wrong direction. This is why we have all of the religions in the world, so that we can find our path, and continue to stick with it. When we see someone that we do not know, you might be tempted to share your new religion if you have recently found one. I can connect to this because when I was little, I would love to go to church and hear all of the stories that the Preacher would tell us. Now that I am older, i know that this was very important to my family, and to the cultural background that we have. Everyone has the same stories, the same past, and the same connection, whether you have a religion or not. One way or another we can get though everything, and we will eventually understand why we were sent down the path we were intended to go down.