Friday, March 30, 2012


1.      What do you thing the biggest religion in the world is?
a.       Non-religious
b.      Traditional
c.       Judaism
d.      Christianity
e.       Islam
2.      What is your religion?  (Check all that apply)
o   Non-religious                  __ Judaism
o   Traditional                        __Islam
o   Christianity                       Choose not to answer
3.       (True/False) Most Reptiles today are related the Ancient Chinese Dragon.
a.       True     b.   False
4.      In the Order that you see best, which religion do you think has the most hatred towards the dragon today? 1 being the most important.
a.       ____ Christianity                         ____ Islam
b.      ____ Non-Religious                    ____ Judaism
c.       ____ Hinduism
5.      If you could choose to change your religion, which one would you choose?
a.       Non-religious                                d.   Christianity
b.      Islam                                               e.   Judaism
c.       No Change                                    
6.      Do you and your parents have the same religion?
a.       Yes               b.   No
7.       If so, what is it?   __________    If not, what is it?  __________  (part B to question 6)
8.      In a way, do you think that all of the religions in the world are the same?
a.       Yes                  b.   No
9.      On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the best, how would you rank your knowledge of the ancient ways and beliefs?      _______________
10.  In your own words, explain your feelings about the dragon, and how it categorizes in your religion.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Artical 3 Summary

Sarah lles Johnston argues that the written records of the gods have been forged many times.  They have found so much proof that the evidence was under their nose.  She claims that most of the religions are not true, and people have messed up the cultural status.  Jonhston develops this claim by first analyzing the steps that must be taken so that they can look at the articles, but with close examination, the articles became clearer and they became more fake as it contradicted itself.  Lastly, the author, Johnston's purpose was to explain that many people do not believe in a religion any more because their are so many of them, and they all tie together with two things; gods, and sins.This work is significant because it helps the reader understand what the author is saying about all of the religions.

The Credibility of this source was helpful for me because I was able to get a lot of information from this.  This helped me to understand the point of views the author was placing in front of you, and it also helped me to find out how to gain information from a simple paragraph.  This also helped me buy showing me some information that would help me in the future with other posts.  This assisted my blog by not only adding another site and opinion, but it also helped by giving me information about another subject related to my blog, and what can be added to help others understand the reasoning behind peoples religions. 

Artical 2 Summary

Clifford Geertz argues that all religions have their rules and regulations, but none of them enforce it like they use to.  He claims that in today's society, no one is really devoted to their religion, but instead, they only care about what they need to get done and what they wish to do.  Geertz develops this claim by first explaining how he believes what the difference between a "Believer and a Want-To-Believer".    Geertz explains that most religions are based on theorems, although he means it not to offend people, he tells how everyone religion needs to be "...put into place by the man."  Geertz purpose is to explain how others are going in the right track, but others could still use some help.  This work is significant because the harder that someone works with their god, the more spirituallyconnected they think they are getting.  He states that if you have a religion and you are not in tune to it, now days is the time to get devoted. 

In this article, the credibility of the source is lacking evidence because it is off topic some.  I tried to piece it together so that other people could understand, but it was still not a credible source.  The author, Geertz , may talk solely about his opinion, but he influences many people to follow what he says.  This article is very bias, and it is not credible for my research except where I could find where he got other information about other topics. Although he is very opinionated, he can make very good points in his article.  This assisted my blog by adding information about another opinion, and turning it into a fact related article that helped change the views on the topic.  

Graph of the Biggest religions in the World

           Biggest religion in the United States

               Biggest religion in the World

In this graph, it shows how Islam is the biggest Religion in the world during 2011.  The other religion that follows right after it is non-religious.  Since many people chose Christianity as the biggest, it is the biggest in the world, and I am showing this with two different graphs.  One of them shows the religion in the United States, the other one shows the biggest religion in the world.

Artical 1 Summary

Robert N. Bellah argues that people are not convinced that every religion in the world is not connected.  He claims that people are trying to prove that their religion is the superior one out of all of the religions, and that they are allowed to judge what other religions think.  Bellah develops this claim by first explaining the similarities that most religions have by showing them how they are related.  Bellah is explaining how you need to be bound to a religion, and most people will not do that because they cannot find the time to do it, and they do not wish to spend their time doing it.  Lastly, the author, Bellah, purpose is to explain to people what the difference is between being devoted to a religion, and being stengy about it in order to persuade people to show their meaning in what they believe.  This work is significant because the information is very helpful to the reader by explaining what she wants, and how he intends on doing it.

The credibility of this article is very reliable.  It does not have Bellah’s opinion because of all of the sources that they have.  She proves her point with facts, and sources that helps to explain her view without opinion.  This can be helpful if someone wanted to do research on a devotion to religion, but this did not help me much after I got into the reading passages.  This helped my blog by telling me what people think about their religion and how they wish to improve their opinion.  This also helped me by taking some of the information needed to improve their religion and making it stronger.   

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Universe God and the Universe

In this video, it talks about how many scientists believe that God did not create the universe, but physics did.  And many of the religions do not have the necessary key points, and they have left something out.  The video also explains that just because the religions could be wrong, does not mean that they are.  There is an unknown source out there that could have created the world, and they are questioning if it is God.